Thursday 25 June 2009

A different type of update

A message from Del

Hi all,

Once again thanks for your constant support. This update is slightly different from our usual ones which normally include extracts from the book.

Jerry and I are often asked how we go about writing Del’s Story (this is not its confirmed name yet so any suggestions are more than welcome:)

We currently have around 40,000 words written and we are aiming for around 60,000 and to be finished by August 25 2009. We have covered a lot of my life up until now and are beginning research to find out whatever we can about any suspected link between being a sportsperson and developing MND.

So here is how we do it……..

Firstly neither of us has ever written a book before so we are kind of making up it as we go along. It seems we are doing ok so far because the feedback (which we love to get, good or bad) has been pretty positive.

Two to three times a week Jerry comes to our house and we record ourselves having a chat about pre planned subjects. Tonight we are talking about my relationship and love for Emma, previously on Tuesday we discussed my football coaching career.

Other subjects which represent chapters of the book have included dealing with my diagnosis, my daily struggle with MND, my football career and happy events like my wedding, holidays abroad and time spent with my friends and family.

This has been the way we have gone about it for the past four months.

Once we have finished the taping session Jerry goes back home, listens to it and then writes it up. Then we go over it together and make sure it’s accurate and makes sense.

This isn’t as easy as it sounds because I have a memory like a concussed goldfish with a bad hangover and Jerry has such a short attention span he’s like a kid with ADD who has binged on Coca-Cola and candy floss.

Sometimes our sessions are difficult because of the nature of what we are discussing. I think though it’s made easier because we’ve know each other more than 25 years and we often have a laugh reminiscing about events and people from the past.

Slowly but surely we are getting there.

We are still looking for a publisher and will be increasing our publicity efforts as we get nearer to having the book completed.

Thanks for reading and make the most of now.

Love Del.

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